For the next 3 hours, you can grab my Money Mindset Unleashed Course for just $47 (Normally $97)
You’re ONE step closer to up-levelling your money mindset success.
Wanna be TWO steps closer?
Introducing the MONEY MINDSET UNLEASHED Course. A 4 Module Step-by-Step online course that will help you Take Control of Your Money, Charge What You’re Worth + Finally Start Attracting the Money You Want in Your Business.
4 Written & Audio Modules – Containing 31 individual lessons that are easy to digest. These include actionable steps to help you take charge of your beliefs around money, gain the confidence you need to charge what you’re really worth, Set—and achieve— BIG money goals and let go of the scarcity mindset so you can reach for your dreams with confidence and determination. ($500-value)
FOUR Fast Action Implementation Checklists – Stay on track with what you’ve learned and what you’ve implemented with these simply checklists. ($27-value)
4 Implementation Workbooks – This course isn’t just about learning theory. I want you to be able to apply everything you learn directly to your life and biz, right away. These worksheets will help you work to understand your money story and what’s holding back and start implementing practical strategies to manage your money and make more money. ($150-value)
Resource Guide – Mindset growth is an ongoing process and that’s why I include additional reading material and tools to help you go even deeper with up-levelling your money mindset. This guide also includes tools you can use to manage and grow your money. ($19-value)
But only for the next 3 hours
I help women start and grow businesses that are aligned with their purpose and gifts with a combination of mindset work and practical strategies that enable them to break through their limiting beliefs and take action on their dreams…
The foundation of my work is money mindset. WHY? Because I understand from personal experience how having the wrong mindset around money can hold you back from taking the right actions to make the money you deceive in your business.
So, let’s get started now!
Lorraine P. 😃
Remember, Money Mindset Unleashed is only $47 for 3 more hours…
Well, we’re a lot more action than woo. So it’s not all the Law of attraction, if you think about it, it will come to you. F that, we believe in digging deep to see what the real issues are, and creating real strategies to deal with them.
Cool! We’re not for everybody. Again, we offer a 7-day money-back guarantee. But most importantly we want to know where we went wrong for you, so we want your feedback. What worked + what didn’t work, so we can improve.