
How to Market Your Coaching Offer Without Feeling Sleazy

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Most heart-centred entrepreneurs dread selling. They don’t market their coaching offer in a consistent way because they fear being pushy and coming off sleazy.

But marketing is not just about selling your products or services. Marketing is also an opportunity for you to share your knowledge with other people in order to help them solve their problems.

In this blog post, I will introduce you to some of the best ways that coaching professionals can market themselves without feeling sleazy!

What is marketing and why do you need to market your coaching offer?

Marketing is the process of creating and delivering messages that promote your coaching offer.

It’s important to market your coaching offer because it helps you connect with potential clients who need your help!

Your business exists to help people solve problems and also to make you money; because if you have no money coming into the business you have no business.

The more money you make the more people you can help and the bigger impact you can have. One thing feeds the other to create your success and success for your clients.

When you start thinking about marketing and selling in these terms it’s a gamechanger.

Because if you know what you have to offer delivers amazing results and can really transform someone’s life it would be selfish to keep it to yourself.

So it’s your duty to get your coaching offer in front of the people who need your help right now, which means showing up, being visible and marketing your offers.

Marketing your coaching offer without feeling sleazy

When you market your coaching offer, it’s important to remember that you are not selling anything.

You’re providing information and helping people solve their problems!

Here are some amazing ways to do just that:

  • Start a blog on your website: Your blog topics should cover the problems you solve for clients and have the same message as your coaching offer.
  • Start creating videos around the problem you solve that provide value to your audience. These can be long-form video’s that you can publish on YouTube, Facebook, IGTV and your blog or short-form videos for Instagram Reels, TikTok or Pinterest Idea Pins.
  • Write eBooks and other free downloads that you give away for free in exchange for an email address. This allows you to build a list of potential coaching clients who you can contact later!
  • Create a free coaching webinar and invite your email list to participate. Webinars are an amazing way for people to get to know you before investing in your high-ticket coaching offers.

How do I market my coaching offer without feeling sleazy?

The coaching industry is a wonderful place to be in, however, it is growing rapidly and is unregulated. In fact, most people including people calling themselves Coaches are confused by what coaching actually is.

So as a new coach, it’s important you understand what you are offering and make this very clear to potential clients.

Are you a pure coach whose programs are more about asking the right questions to pull out insightful answers and keeping clients accountable without any training or structured advice being part of your program?

Or are you a coach/consultant hybrid (this is most coaches right now, especially in the business sector) who offers training, advice, accountability and support based on their experience and training, as well as asking the right questions to pull out insightful answers?

Knowing this helps you to create the right coaching offer, marketing message and valuable content.

Being helpful and providing value with your coaching message helps you stay connected with your target audience!

Remember that marketing isn’t always about trying to sell something. It’s about connecting with the people you’re trying to help and providing information that is of value!

Be yourself. People can tell when you’re not being genuine, and they won’t trust you as a coach if they don’t feel like they can trust you. Be honest and open, and people will appreciate your coaching offer more!

The 3 P’s of Marketing – Product, Price, and Place

In business, the three P’s of marketing are product, price, and place.

In your coaching business, this translates as:

  • Product is what you’re offering your clients – coaching!
  • Price is how much you’re charging for coaching services, and;
  • Place is where people can find your coaching offer and how you deliver it.

When it comes to coaching, it’s important to make sure that all three of these are in line with your personal brand and the services you’re providing.

If one of these is off, it can be difficult to attract coaching clients who are a good fit for what you offer because it will be out of alignment with you.

The foundation to marketing and selling with ease is to have a product you believe in and know delivers results for your clients.

Pricing your coaching offers should always be based on the value you offer, the results you give and your experience.

Place in the online world means your sales pages. In this case, you should ensure you have a sales funnel in place for your coaching offers that include a sales page and a follow-up email sequence.

The 4 C’s of Marketing – Communication, Competition, Context, and Convenience

The four C’s of marketing is a concept that can really help you when it comes to coaching!

The four C’s are Communication, Competition, Context, and Convenience. These concepts can help you market your coaching offer in ways that feel natural for what you’re offering.

For example, the communication part of the four C’s of marketing is about making sure that your coaching offer is clear and easy to understand.

The competition part is about understanding what other coaches are doing and how you can set yourself apart from them.

The context part of the four C’s is about figuring out where people would be most likely to need coaching services. The problem you solve and how.

Finally, the convenience part of the four C’s is about understanding where people can buy your coaching offer and how they’re going to be able to access it.

How to create a marketing plan for your coaching offer 

Having a good marketing plan is the key to success in your coaching business!

When you’re creating your own marketing plan, it’s important to make sure that your chosen strategy and tactics are aligned with how you want to show up in the world.

You want your marketing messages and efforts to feel natural for what you’re offering while still being effective at reaching the right people!

If you need help with this, consider hiring a coach/consultant hybrid or consultant to help you create your marketing plan. They can be very helpful when it comes to figuring out how to market coaching in ways that feel natural for what you offer!

Your marketing plan is about creating a strategy for connecting with the people who are interested in what you’re offering while also making sure that they know where and how to buy your services.

Your coaching offer is unique and special, so you want your potential clients to feel that way when they interact with your business. 

Important Marketing Plan Sections

When creating your marketing plan, it’s important to make sure that you cover all of the key sections. This will help you to be effective in reaching your target market!

Some of the most important sections of a marketing plan include:

  • E-mail list building strategy
  • Content creation strategy
  • Paid advertising strategy
  • Social media strategy
  • SEO/Content marketing strategy

E-mail list building strategy

Building an e-mail list is one of the most important things you can do for your coaching business!

An e-mail list allows you to stay in touch with potential and current clients, share helpful information, and sell your services.

There are a number of ways to build an e-mail list, but some of the most popular methods include:

  • Offering a free coaching or training session in exchange for joining your e-mail list
  • Creating helpful content and providing it as a download in exchange for joining your e-mail list
  • Using a lead magnet to attract potential clients and get them to join your e-mail list

When creating your coaching marketing plan, be sure to include a strategy to build your e-mail list on an ongoing basis.

Content creation strategy

Good coaching content is extremely important for helping attract coaching clients and creating a good reputation!

While you can consider hiring a writer to create your coaching blog posts, it’s also possible to write the content yourself or even use guest bloggers as part of your marketing plan!

The type of writing that you do should be helpful and interesting to coaching clients who are searching for information that solve their problems.

When creating your coaching marketing plan, be sure to include a content creation strategy!

This will help you to connect with potential coaching clients and share valuable information with them.

Paid advertising strategy

If you’re looking for ways to quickly attract coaching clients, you may want to consider using a paid advertising strategy.

Paid advertising can be expensive, but it’s a great way to get your coaching business in front of more people quickly!

This will help you reach more potential coaching clients and grow your coaching business.

Social media strategy

A social media strategy is a great way to connect with potential coaching clients and share valuable information with them in an organic way.

When creating your social media strategy, be sure to consider the types of social media platforms that your target market is using.

Then, create content and strategies that will help you reach more people on those platforms!

SEO/Content marketing strategy

A strong SEO and content marketing strategy can help you attract more coaching clients through organic search results.

When creating your SEO and content marketing strategy, be sure to consider the keywords that your target market is likely to use when searching for information about the problem you solve with your coaching.

Then, create content around those keywords that will help you rank higher in search engine results pages!

Networking strategy

One of the best ways to find coaching clients is through networking! This is all about building relationships.

This can be online as well as offline.

You can start networking online in Facebook groups and LinkedIn groups or by joining memberships for entrepreneurs.

Collaboration strategy

Collaborating with other coaches can be a great way to attract coaching clients. Collaborating with other coaches in your niche is a great way to attract more coaching clients because you can share their information and vice versa.

When working together, refer back to the key messages that you want each coach to use when speaking about you or referring out. Keep it simple!

Key Message strategy

In order for people to know who you are and what you do, it’s important to have a key message strategy.

Your key messages should be clear and concise so that your target market knows who you are as soon as they hear your name!

Time For You to Sell Your Offers With Ease

I hope this has helped you learn some basics about marketing your coaching offer.

A major part of successful selling is understanding how to market your coaching offer in a heart-centred way so it doesn’t feel sleazy. 

Marketing is a big part of the success of your coaching business.

However, It’s not enough to understand marketing you have to have an attractive offer – it’s the fundamental step!

That’s where our Client-Attracting Offer Creation Planner comes in handy. In this planner, we’ll walk you through every step of crafting an irresistible offer that you will want to shout about. If interested, just enter your details below to access the Build Your Business Vault to get access to the Planner!

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