
Ready to Move On? 8 Essential Financial Factors to Consider Before Quitting Your Job

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Have you been dreaming about starting your own business so you can leave the 9 to 5 behind you forever?

Itโ€™s exciting, to think about all the possibilities and opportunities you could have if you were free from the corporate world.ย 

But before quitting your job and screaming from the top of your lungs โ€œIโ€™m a freaking entrepreneur, and loving itโ€, itโ€™s crucial to assess how prepared you are financially.ย 

Letโ€™s face it: money matters.ย 

We canโ€™t ignore the fact that our finances play a significant role in our lives, influencing the choices we make and the paths we take.ย 

Quitting your job without careful consideration of your financial situation can lead to unnecessary stress, setbacks, and financial instability.

Something I know all too well.

Thatโ€™s where I come in.ย 

In this article, Iโ€™ll walk you through the essential financial factors you need to consider before bidding farewell to your current job.ย 

By taking a comprehensive look at your financial landscape, you can make informed decisions that set you up for success as you embark on your entrepreneurial journey.

So, before you take that leap into the unknown, letโ€™s ensure that youโ€™re well-prepared, financially speaking.ย 

Together, weโ€™ll explore your current financial situation, estimate your future income, assess your retirement readiness, evaluate health insurance coverage, analyse other employee benefits, consider taxes and financial obligations, review your financial goals, and build a solid financial safety net.

By the time you finish reading this article, youโ€™ll have a clear roadmap to navigate the financial aspects of your career transition, helping you make confident and informed decisions.ย 

Letโ€™s get started on this exciting journey of financial empowerment and entrepreneurship!

Before Quitting Your Job Evaluate Your Current Finances

Assessing your income and expenses:

Letโ€™s kick off our journey to financial preparedness by taking a close look at your current income and expenses.ย 

Understanding where your money comes from and where it goes is the first step toward gaining control over your financial situation.

Take a moment to gather all your financial information. Grab your bank statements, payslips, and any other documents that provide insight into your income.ย 

Now, letโ€™s break it down. Calculate your average monthly income, factoring in any fluctuations or irregularities.

Next up, expenses. Oh, the dreaded expenses!ย 

But fear not, weโ€™re going to tackle them head-on. Make a list of all your monthly expenses, including rent or mortgage payments, utility bills, groceries, transportation costs, and any other regular outflows.ย 

Be thorough and account for everything.

Now comes the fun part โ€“ analyzing your income and expenses.ย 

Compare the two and see how they stack up.ย 

Are you living within your means? Do you have enough left over for savings and investments? Or are you barely breaking even or even running a deficit?

Remember, this assessment is not about judging yourself or feeling discouraged.ย 

Itโ€™s about gaining clarity and understanding where you stand financially.ย 

And guess what? Youโ€™re already taking the necessary steps to improve your situation simply by going through this exercise.

before quitting your job

Reviewing your savings and emergency funds:

Next on our financial evaluation checklist is reviewing your savings and emergency funds.ย 

These financial buffers are like safety nets, ready to catch you when unexpected expenses or income disruptions come your way.

Start by looking at your savings accounts.ย 

How much do you currently have saved up? Are you regularly contributing to your savings? If not, consider implementing a savings plan that fits your budget. Even small contributions add up over time.

Emergency funds are a crucial component of financial stability. They provide a cushion for those unpredictable situations life throws at us โ€“ medical emergencies, car repairs, or sudden job loss. Ideally, your emergency fund should cover at least three to six monthsโ€™ worth of living expenses.

If your emergency fund falls short, donโ€™t fret. Youโ€™re not alone.ย 

Many of us have been in that boat.ย 

The key is to acknowledge it and start working towards building it up.ย 

Set a realistic goal and commit to saving a certain percentage of your income each month until you reach that target.

Itโ€™s advisable that you have at least 3 months worth of expenses saved up before you quit your job, even if youโ€™re business is making more than enough profit to meet your needs.

Analyzing your debt and obligations:

Now, letโ€™s shine a spotlight on your debts and obligations. Itโ€™s time to face the music and assess the impact they have on your financial picture.

Start by listing all your outstanding debts, including credit card balances, student loans, personal loans, and any other financial obligations you have.ย 

Take note of the interest rates, minimum monthly payments, and remaining balances for each debt.

Once you have a clear view of your debts, itโ€™s time to prioritize.ย 

Are there high-interest debts that need your immediate attention? Paying off these high-interest debts first can save you a significant amount of money in the long run.

Consider creating a repayment plan that aligns with your financial goals.ย 

You might choose to tackle your debts one by one, starting with the smallest balances to build momentum, or you might opt for a strategy that focuses on eliminating high-interest debts first. Find what works best for you and stick to it.

Remember, assessing your income, expenses, savings, and debt is all about empowering you with knowledge.ย 

It sets the stage for the financial decisions youโ€™ll make as you move forward.

The key is that your current expenses will let you know the absolute minimum you need to earn from your business. Not how much revenue your business brings in but how much it needs to pay you.

Itโ€™s advisable that you take care of as much of your debt before transitioning into self-employment.

Estimating Your Future Income

Evaluating potential business opportunities:

Now that weโ€™ve taken a close look at your current financial situation, itโ€™s time to turn our gaze toward the future.ย 

As an aspiring entrepreneur, your income will likely undergo a transformation once you embark on your business journey.ย 

Itโ€™s essential to evaluate potential business opportunities to estimate your future income accurately.

Start by researching the market and industry you plan to enter.ย 

What are the current trends? Are there any gaps or opportunities you can capitalize on?ย 

Understanding the landscape will give you insights into the income potential of your chosen field.

Consider conducting a competitive analysis as well. Look at similar businesses and assess their revenue streams.ย 

How are they generating income? What pricing models do they use? This analysis will help you gauge the earning potential of your own venture.

Remember, estimating your future income is not an exact science.ย 

It requires a combination of market research, industry knowledge, and a touch of intuition.ย 

Be prepared to adapt your projections as you gather more information and gain real-world experience.

Considering the salary you need to pay yourself from your business:

As an entrepreneur, itโ€™s important to determine the salary you need to pay yourself from your business.ย 

While it may be tempting to forgo a salary in the early stages to reinvest every penny back into your venture, itโ€™s crucial to strike a balance that allows you to cover your personal expenses and maintain a sustainable lifestyle.

Keep in mind that your salary might fluctuate in the initial stages of your business. Itโ€™s common for entrepreneurs to reinvest a significant portion of their earnings back into the business to fuel growth.ย 

As your business matures and stabilizes, you can reassess your salary and make adjustments accordingly.

Factoring in additional income sources:

While your business will be a primary source of income, itโ€™s also worth considering additional income sources to provide financial stability and diversify your revenue streams.

Investments are an avenue to consider. If you have some savings, you might explore investment options that align with your risk tolerance and financial goals.ย 

However, be cautious and seek professional advice if needed, as investments carry inherent risks.

Remember, the key is to be strategic and realistic when factoring in additional income sources.ย 

Balance your time and energy between your business and these supplementary endeavours to avoid spreading yourself too thin.

By evaluating potential business opportunities, determining your desired salary, and exploring additional income sources, youโ€™ll have a clearer understanding of your future income landscape.ย 

Keep in mind that entrepreneurship comes with inherent risks and uncertainties, so itโ€™s important to be flexible and adapt to changing circumstances.

Assessing Your Retirement Readiness

Reviewing your current retirement savings:

Ah, retirementโ€”the golden years when you can finally kick back, relax, and enjoy the fruits of your labour.ย 

But before you embark on your entrepreneurial journey, itโ€™s essential to assess your retirement readiness.ย 

Letโ€™s start by reviewing your current retirement savings.

Depending on where you live retirement savings works slightly differently. As I live and work in the UK I can only speak about that.ย 

So if youโ€™re under the age of 45 itโ€™s likely you have several pension accounts, depending on where you have worked and youโ€™ve organised your Pension.

I know I have around 4.ย 

So youโ€™ll need to gather all your retirement account statements youโ€™ve been contributing to. Take a moment to appreciate the progress youโ€™ve made so far.ย 

Give yourself a pat on the backโ€”youโ€™re already one step closer to a secure retirement!

Now, letโ€™s dive deeper. Calculate the total value of your retirement savings. Consider the contributions youโ€™ve made, the employer matches (if applicable), and the growth of your investments over time.ย 

Itโ€™s like watching a seed grow into a mighty oakโ€”slow but steady progress.

Once you have the total value, itโ€™s time to evaluate whether it aligns with your retirement goals.ย 

Ask yourself: Will these savings be enough to support the retirement lifestyle I envision? If the answer is yes, fantastic! Youโ€™re on the right track.ย 

If not, donโ€™t panic. Weโ€™ll explore alternative retirement savings options shortly.

Evaluating the impact of leaving your job on your retirement plan:

Leaving your job to pursue entrepreneurship can have a significant impact on your retirement plan.ย 

Itโ€™s important to evaluate how this transition will affect your savings and make necessary adjustments to ensure a secure retirement.

Consider any employer contributions or matching funds youโ€™ll be leaving behind.ย 

These contributions can be a significant boost to your retirement savings over time.ย 

But fear not! There are ways to bridge the gap. Weโ€™ll discuss alternative retirement savings options later, so stay tuned.

Another aspect to consider is the potential interruption in your retirement contributions.ย 

When you start your own business, it may take time before you can resume regular contributions to your retirement accounts.ย 

But donโ€™t fret! Every journey has its ups and downs, and entrepreneurship is no different. Itโ€™s a temporary setback that you can overcome with careful planning and determination.

Exploring alternative retirement savings options:

Now that weโ€™ve reviewed your current retirement savings and discussed the impact of leaving your job, letโ€™s explore alternative retirement savings options.ย 

Remember, flexibility is the key to success in any financial endeavour.

Once you are self-employed depending on where you live and how you structure your business legally will be the deciding factor in how you continue to save for retirement.

You should discuss this with your accountant at the time you are discussing how you will be dealing with your company structure and taxes.ย 

In the UK if you pay yourself through your company you will most likely need to set up a pension for yourself.ย 

But you should start investigating your options now. A quick Google search should give you an idea of some of your options.

Remember, retirement planning is a marathon, not a sprint.ย 

Itโ€™s a journey that requires consistent effort and periodic reassessment.ย 

By reviewing your current retirement savings, evaluating the impact of leaving your job, and exploring alternative retirement savings options, youโ€™re taking proactive steps to secure your financial future.

Evaluating Health Insurance Coverage

Understanding your current health insurance benefits:

This is something that is heavily dependent on where you live. If you live in a country where you have to pay for all your health care you will need to take this into consideration.

However, if youโ€™re from a country like the UK, where you only have to pay for some of your healthcare then health insurance benefits has always been a nice to have not a necessity.ย 

And it is likely you have some sought of health benefits included in your contract whether you use it or not.

If you live somewhere you have to pay for everything then the rest of this section is for you.

Start by understanding your current health insurance benefits.ย 

Review the policy documents and familiarize yourself with the coverage details.ย 

Take note of the deductibles, copayments, and coinsurance amounts. Are there any restrictions or limitations on certain medical services or treatments?ย 

Understanding the specifics of your current plan will help you make informed decisions moving forward.

Consider the network of healthcare providers associated with your plan.ย 

Are there specific doctors, hospitals, or specialists you prefer or need to continue seeing?ย 

Ensure that your chosen plan provides access to the healthcare professionals and facilities that are important to you. After all, your health is a top priority.

Investigating alternative health insurance options:

Next, itโ€™s time to investigate alternative health insurance options. As an aspiring entrepreneur, you may no longer have access to employer-sponsored health insurance, so exploring other avenues is essential.

One option is to purchase health insurance through the individual market.ย 

Many states offer healthcare marketplaces where you can compare different plans and choose the one that best suits your needs.ย 

These plans often come in various tiers, offering different levels of coverage and cost.

Another option to explore is joining a professional or trade association that offers group health insurance to its members.ย 

These associations leverage their collective buying power to negotiate better rates and benefits for their members.ย 

Itโ€™s worth researching whether there are any associations in your industry that provide access to affordable health insurance plans.

Considering the cost and coverage of each option:

As you evaluate health insurance options, itโ€™s vital to consider both the cost and coverage of each plan.ย 

Assess the monthly premiums, deductibles, copayments, and coinsurance for each option.ย 

Find a balance that aligns with your budget while providing adequate coverage for your healthcare needs.

Keep in mind that a plan with lower premiums may have higher out-of-pocket costs when you receive medical services.ย 

Conversely, a plan with higher premiums may offer more comprehensive coverage and lower out-of-pocket expenses.ย 

Consider your health history, current medical needs, and potential future needs when making this decision.

Donโ€™t forget to factor in any subsidies or tax credits you may be eligible for. Depending on your income level, you may qualify for financial assistance to help offset the cost of health insurance premiums.

Analyzing Other Employee Benefits

As we continue our journey towards entrepreneurship, itโ€™s crucial to analyze the other employee benefits you might currently enjoy.ย 

These benefits, beyond your salary, can have a significant impact on your financial well-being.ย 

So, letโ€™s dive into the world of employee benefits and explore how they shape your overall financial picture.

Assessing the value of employer-sponsored benefits:

First and foremost, take the time to assess the value of your employer-sponsored benefits.ย 

These can include various perks such as a pension plan, stock options, retirement contributions, and more.ย 

While they may seem like additional โ€œextras,โ€ they often carry substantial financial weight.

Stock options are another valuable benefit to evaluate. These options give you the opportunity to purchase company stock at a predetermined price, allowing you to potentially benefit from its future growth.ย 

Take the time to understand the vesting period and any tax implications associated with stock options. They can be a valuable asset that adds to your overall net worth.

Exploring the impact of leaving your job on these benefits:

When contemplating a transition to entrepreneurship, itโ€™s crucial to understand how leaving your current job may affect these benefits.ย 

Some benefits, like employer contributions to a retirement plan, will cease once you leave the company.ย 

This can impact your long-term savings goals and require you to reassess your retirement strategy.

Consider the impact on your stock options as well. Depending on the terms of your options agreement, leaving your job may require you to exercise those options within a specific timeframe or forfeit them altogether.ย 

Evaluate the potential financial implications and weigh them against the opportunities you envision as an entrepreneur.

Identifying alternative benefits and perks:

While leaving your job may mean forfeiting some employer-sponsored benefits, itโ€™s important to identify alternative benefits and perks that can support your entrepreneurial journey.ย 

As an entrepreneur, you have the freedom to create your own unique work environment and design benefits that align with your values and priorities.

Think about the flexibility you desire in your work schedule.ย 

As an entrepreneur, you have the power to set your own hours and work at your own pace.ย 

This flexibility can be a tremendous benefit, allowing you to achieve a better work-life balance and pursue personal passions alongside your business endeavours.

Consider the potential for increased earning potential as well.ย 

While leaving a steady paycheck can be daunting, entrepreneurship offers the opportunity to build something of your own and unlock unlimited financial potential.ย 

Your success is directly tied to your efforts and dedication, allowing you to reap the rewards of your hard work.

Additionally, explore alternative retirement savings options as an entrepreneur.ย 

While you may not have a traditional employer-sponsored retirement plan, there are plenty of self-employed alternatives, that allow you to continue saving for your future.

Considering Taxes and Financial Obligations

As you transition from being an employee to running your own business, the tax landscape changes, and you need to navigate it wisely.ย 

Additionally, evaluating your existing financial obligations is essential to ensure a smooth financial transition.ย 

Letโ€™s delve into these aspects and shed light on how they can shape your entrepreneurial journey.

Understanding the tax implications of leaving your job and starting a business:

Leaving your job and starting a business means entering a new realm of taxes.ย 

As an employee, your taxes were often automatically deducted from your paycheck, and the process seemed relatively straightforward.ย 

But now, as an entrepreneur, the responsibility of managing your taxes falls on your shoulders. Itโ€™s essential to understand the tax implications of this transition.

Consider the different types of taxes you may encounter.ย 

There are income taxes, self-employment taxes, and potentially other business-specific taxes depending on your industry and location.ย 

Each tax has its own rules and regulations, and failing to comply can lead to penalties and unnecessary financial burdens.

Furthermore, familiarize yourself with deductible business expenses. These expenses can help reduce your taxable income, providing potential savings.ย 

Examples of deductible expenses may include office supplies, marketing costs, professional services, and even a portion of your home office if you work from home. Understanding these deductions can optimize your tax situation and save you money.

Planning for potential changes in your tax situation:

As an aspiring entrepreneur, itโ€™s crucial to plan for potential changes in your tax situation. Starting a business may lead to fluctuations in income, and understanding how these changes impact your tax obligations is vital.

Consider the concept of estimated quarterly taxes.ย 

Unlike when you were an employee and taxes were automatically deducted, as a business owner, you may need to make estimated quarterly tax payments to the government.ย 

These payments help you stay on top of your tax obligations throughout the year and avoid any surprises when tax season arrives.

Furthermore, consult with a tax professional or accountant to ensure youโ€™re making the right tax decisions for your business.ย 

They can provide invaluable guidance, help you navigate complex tax laws, and identify potential deductions you might have overlooked.ย 

A proactive approach to tax planning can save you time, stress, and money in the long run.

Reviewing Your Financial Goals

Assessing your financial goals will provide you with clarity and help align your career decisions with your aspirations.

Assessing your short-term and long-term financial goals:

To begin, take a moment to reflect on your financial aspirations. What are your short-term goals, those you aim to achieve within the next year or two?ย 

These goals may include saving for a down payment on a house, building an emergency fund, or paying off high-interest debt.ย 

Write them down and be specific about the amounts and timelines you envision.

Next, shift your focus to your long-term goals.ย 

These are the dreams you have for your future, usually spanning five years or more. They might involve retiring early, starting a family, or launching multiple successful businesses.ย 

Consider the lifestyle you desire and the financial milestones you hope to reach along the way.

Considering how leaving your job aligns with your goals:

With your financial goals in mind, now ponder how leaving your job to pursue entrepreneurship aligns with these aspirations.ย 

This can be a critical and introspective exercise, as it forces you to confront potential conflicts and reassess your priorities.

Ask yourself: Will starting a business bring me closer to my goals or potentially hinder my progress?ย 

While entrepreneurship can offer financial freedom and the opportunity to build wealth, it often involves initial sacrifices and uncertain income streams.ย 

Itโ€™s important to evaluate the potential risks and rewards, considering how they align with your short-term and long-term objectives.

For example, if your short-term goal is to save for a down payment on a house, leaving a stable job with a consistent income may require careful consideration.ย 

On the other hand, if your long-term goal is to have more control over your time and build a legacy, entrepreneurship could be the path to achieving that.

Exploring strategies to align your financial goals with your career decisions:

If you find that leaving your job aligns with your financial goals, itโ€™s time to explore strategies that will help you stay on track while pursuing entrepreneurship.ย 

Here are a few approaches to consider:

Create a financial plan: Develop a detailed budget that accounts for your personal and business expenses. Set realistic income targets and identify areas where you can potentially cut costs or increase revenue.ย 

A financial plan will provide you with a roadmap to manage your finances effectively and work towards your goals.

Diversify your income streams: Consider creating multiple income streams to mitigate the uncertainties of entrepreneurship.ย 

This could involve starting a side hustle, investing in stocks or real estate, or exploring passive income opportunities.ย 

Diversification can provide stability and help you stay on course during the early stages of your entrepreneurial journey.

Continuously reassess and adjust: As your business evolves, regularly reassess your financial goals and make necessary adjustments.ย 

Be open to adapting your strategies and seek professional guidance when needed. Remember that flexibility is key when aligning your financial goals with your career decisions.

Building a Financial Safety Net

When it comes to navigating the unpredictable twists and turns of life, having a solid financial safety net can make all the difference.ย 

It provides a sense of security and peace of mind, knowing that youโ€™re prepared for unexpected expenses or income disruptions.ย 

In this section, weโ€™ll dive into the importance of having an emergency fund, setting financial goals for your safety net, and exploring strategies to build and maintain a strong financial safety net.

Reviewing the importance of having an emergency fund:

Life has a way of throwing curveballs when we least expect it. Whether itโ€™s a sudden medical expense, a major car repair, or a period of unemployment, these unforeseen events can quickly derail our financial stability if weโ€™re not prepared. Thatโ€™s where an emergency fund comes in.

An emergency fund acts as a financial buffer, providing you with the means to handle unexpected expenses without going into debt or tapping into other long-term savings.ย 

It serves as a safety net during challenging times, offering a sense of reassurance and the ability to weather financial storms.

Imagine this: You wake up one morning to find your trusty car making ominous noises. You take it to the mechanic, who delivers the news that it needs a costly repair.ย 

Without an emergency fund, you might find yourself scrambling to come up with the funds or resorting to high-interest credit cards, adding to your financial stress. But with an emergency fund, you have the peace of mind and the financial resources readily available to address such situations.

Setting financial goals for your safety net:

Now that weโ€™ve established the importance of having an emergency fund, letโ€™s talk about setting financial goals to build and strengthen your safety net. Start by assessing your current financial situation.ย 

How much do you need to cover three to six months of living expenses? This amount will vary depending on your circumstances, such as your monthly obligations, lifestyle, and the stability of your income.

Once you have an idea of the target amount, break it down into manageable milestones. For example, if your goal is to save $10,000, you can set smaller goals along the way, such as saving $1,000 in three months or $2,500 in six months. These milestones not only make the process more attainable but also provide a sense of accomplishment as you reach each one.

Exploring strategies to build and maintain a strong financial safety net:

Building a financial safety net requires discipline and a commitment to regular saving. Here are some strategies to consider as you work toward your goal:

Automate your savings: Set up automatic transfers from your paycheck or checking account to a dedicated emergency fund. By automating the process, you remove the temptation to spend the money and ensure consistent contributions to your safety net.

Cut back on non-essential expenses: Take a close look at your spending habits and identify areas where you can trim unnecessary costs. This might involve reducing dining out, canceling unused subscriptions, or finding creative ways to save on everyday expenses. Remember, every dollar you save brings you closer to a stronger financial safety net.

Increase your income: Explore opportunities to boost your income, whether through a side hustle, freelancing, or leveraging your skills and expertise. The additional income can accelerate your progress toward building a robust safety net.

Continuously reassess and adjust: As life evolves, periodically review your financial goals and make necessary adjustments. Changes in income, expenses, or personal circumstances may warrant recalibrating your savings targets or modifying your strategies.

Acknowledging Your Journey and Empowering Your Dreams

Youโ€™re on the brink of a remarkable journeyโ€”the pursuit of entrepreneurship and the fulfillment of your dreams.ย 

But as you stand at this crossroad, contemplating the leap from your current job to the world of entrepreneurship, itโ€™s only natural to feel a whirlwind of emotions.ย 

Doubt, excitement, fear, and determination may swirl within you, creating a unique blend of anticipation and uncertainty.ย 

You may find yourself wondering, โ€œAm I really ready for this? Can I handle the financial risks and responsibilities that come with starting my own venture?โ€

I get it. Iโ€™ve been there too. The decision to leave the comfort and stability of a steady paycheck can be overwhelming.ย 

The thought of navigating uncharted waters and venturing into the unknown can stir up a mix of anxiety and excitement.

But let me assure you, that you are not alone. These emotions are part of the journey, and they validate the significance of your aspirations.

Take a moment to imagine this: Youโ€™re standing on a diving board, preparing to plunge into a crystal-clear pool of possibilities.ย 

Your heart races, and your mind races with it. You wonder if you have what it takes to make it to the other side, to embrace the freedom and fulfillment youโ€™ve always yearned for.ย 

In this moment, I want you to know that your emotions are valid, and itโ€™s okay to feel the weight of this decision.ย 

The path youโ€™re about to embark on is not an easy one, but it holds immeasurable rewards.

Throughout this article, weโ€™ve delved into eight essential financial factors that will guide you towards a successful transition.ย 

Weโ€™ve explored evaluating your current financial situation, estimating your future income, reviewing retirement readiness, assessing health insurance coverage, analyzing employee benefits, considering taxes and financial obligations, reviewing financial goals, and building a robust safety net.ย 

Each topic has equipped you with knowledge, strategies, and insights to prepare you for the journey ahead.

Now, let me remind you of the incredible benefits that await you.ย 

Picture a life where you call the shots, where your passion and purpose align, and where the skyโ€™s the limit for your success.ย 

Imagine the freedom to pursue your dreams, make a meaningful impact, and create a life that truly reflects who you are. That, my dear reader, is the destination youโ€™re striving for.

As we conclude I want to remind you that you have the power to achieve greatness, to surpass your own expectations, and to transform your dreams into reality.ย 

Remember, the path to entrepreneurship may have its challenges, but it also holds immense potential for personal growth, financial abundance, and a sense of fulfillment beyond measure.

The world is waiting for you.ย 

If youโ€™re ready to start your online business or need help to put all the pieces together, I invite you to join Step Up Boss Up Business Academy today!

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