
How to Set Priorities When Starting Your Business In 3 Easy Steps

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As a solopreneur, you have several hats to wear. So, you need to learn how to set priorities for both your personal and professional life.


Digital Marketing manager.


Content Creator.


Support staff.

Everything above plus more will be needed from you when you first launch your business

While multitasking is common, you should be aware of your areas of strength when you’re just starting out. Additionally, consider which tasks should be completed right away and which ones can wait.

For instance, marketing is more important than bookkeeping since, without marketing, there would be no income to handle.

You must also keep in mind how much time you’re investing in each area.

What do you gain if you put off sending an email to your list while spending the entire day polishing your website?

Although you may have a more attractive website, you missed an opportunity to draw visitors to your offer and to that attractive website.

Prioritizing money-generating activities is essential for any successful business. Even if you don’t have a lot of time, focusing on activities that generate the most income is key. 

In an ideal world, you’d simply put on your CEO hat and delegate the rest, but here in the real world, we don’t always have that option.

Instead, you’ve got to work smarter and watch how you spend your time.

Why is it important to set priorities?

Setting priorities is an essential part of leading a balanced and successful life.

It helps you to focus your energy on the most important tasks and to make sure you’re taking care of your physical, mental, and emotional needs.

By clearly defining your priorities, you can make decisions that are in line with your goals and values. This can help you avoid distractions and stay focused on achieving the things that are most important to you. Additionally, setting priorities can help you make more effective use of your time. You can be selective with how you spend your time, ensuring that you’re using your time and energy on the things that really matter. Ultimately, setting priorities helps you to lead a more meaningful and fulfilled life.

So learning how to set priorities becomes a core skill you need to develop to increase your productivity & efficiency.

How Do We Set Priorities?

Step 1: Write every step-down

Even though you might be doing all the tasks yourself right now, once you start earning money, you’ll start outsourcing some of them. Take note of what you’re doing and the systems you’re using from the beginning.

Make a note of the activities you thrive in and like as well.

The first things you will outsource are those that you are certain someone else could do better.

By putting your processes in writing, you’ll be able to gauge how much you’re truly accomplishing and begin to understand how your time is spent.

Knowing how you spend your time is important if you only have 10 hours a week to work on your business. you want to know that you are genuinely advancing your business in those hours.

While some things cannot wait, others can.

Consider investing hours perfecting your logo or tinkering with your website while you haven’t yet developed or validated your product or service yet.

You’ll just be wasting your time!

Step 2: Prioritize Money-Making Tasks

When it comes to the things we want and need to complete, every one of us has unique skills and talents. While someone else may adore the numbers game and detest administration, you might love customer service and detest bookkeeping.

Whatever your preferences may be, one thing is certain: the tasks that will generate income for you should be first on your list of priorities.

This could entail developing a product, email marketing, client outreach, creating a webinar, or something else different.

Here are some tips for prioritizing money-generating activities:

  1. Identify your highest-value activities and focus on those first. These are the activities that will have the biggest impact on your bottom line.
  2. Automate or outsource low-value activities so you can focus on more important tasks.
  3. Experiment with different methods and measure the results to find what works best for your business.
  4. Develop systems and processes to make your tasks more efficient.
  5. Set measurable goals and track your progress to stay motivated.

By prioritizing money-generating activities and focusing on the activities that will have the biggest impact, you can maximize your income and achieve success in your business.

set priorities

Step 3: Know the Difference Between Important and Urgent

Prioritizing tasks using a time-management grid is a suggestion made by Stephen Covey in his landmark book, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.

Depending on whether a task is urgent, important, both, or neither, it is categorised into one of four quadrants on the grid.

You’ll know right away what to work on once you know where a task is located on the grid.

Planning and marketing, for instance, are vital but not urgent. Although urgent, a ringing phone is unimportant. Your new program’s sales page, which launches tomorrow, is both critical and urgent.

Therefore, consider where each of your jobs fits in the quadrant and arrange them properly before prioritising your daily to-do list.

Will you always focus on the task that is most beneficial right now? Most likely not. You won’t always manage your time as effectively as you could. I admit that thinking about my recent priorities has been on my mind while writing this post.

However, you’ll discover that managing your new small business is far less stressful and burdensome if you make an effort to plan and prioritise your days.

What Does it Mean to Set Your Priorities Right?

Setting your priorities right means understanding what is important to you and then taking action to make sure those things come first.

It means recognizing that there are only so many hours in the day and that making the most of them requires focus and discipline.

It means taking the time to assess your goals and values, and then making sure that your actions align with those values.

Setting your priorities right also means saying no to things that don’t move you closer to your goals, even if those things are fun or convenient.

Ultimately, it is about making sure your time and energy are focused on the things that really matter to you and your business, rather than scattered among too many irrelevant tasks.

When you set your priorities right, you become more purposeful and intentional in your life, and that can lead to greater fulfilment and satisfaction.

Wrap Up

Setting priorities is key when starting your business. Taking the time to figure out what’s important to you and your business will help ensure that you’re putting your time and energy into the things that matter most.

Use our three easy steps to start setting priorities for your business today, and see how much more efficient and focused you can be.

What are some of your top priorities for your business?

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