
Does Your Social Media Strategy Work For You?

Social Media Strategy

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Social media is everyone’s preferred method of communicating with people all around the world and advertising their goods and services. 

While some people rise to the lofty position of “Social Media Darling,” others continue to post continuously with no response at all.

What distinguishes the Wannabe from the Darling? The most significant disparities are in their approach to social media strategy and interpersonal communication skills. 

Even if we are discussing the sale of the same exact product, the Wannabe and Darling frequently approach business opportunities in very different ways.

Social Media Darling or Social Media Wannabe

Leveraging social media, the Darling has a love for her audience and potential audience. Every day she engages with users on social media by responding to comments and queries on both her own posts and postings from other users in her feed. 

Instead of overwhelming her followers with commercial offers, she shares little glimpses into her life. The Darling spends her time on the platforms that give her the most attentive audiences because she has learned via trial and error which ones do.

Although the wannabe is also concerned about people, she is uploading product photographs on every social media site at her disposal in an effort to make a sale. She keeps posting about the product since she believes that people don’t buy it the first time they hear about it. She either doesn’t notice when people comment or is clueless on how to answer. She is overextended over all the platforms and only comments on a chosen few posts.

Which one are you?

How to Revise Your Social Media Strategy

The freedom to do anything you want is one of the benefits of owning your own business. Which means you have to make a choice.

Do you want to be the Social Media Darling or the Social Media Wannabe?

You make the choice of which one you are by the micro-decisions you make every day when it comes to how you use social media in your business. And by the tasks, you decide to focus on.

You should make your choices methodically because there are no firm guidelines about the social media networks you should use. 

Is it truly worth your effort to publish arbitrary photographs on Instagram and hope for a few passing likes? Should you keep using LinkedIn if you publish an article there once a month but your inbox is clogged with ignored requests to network? 

Find out where your target market is active and get familiar with that platform first. 

LinkedIn can be your ticket if you’re trying to draw in business clients. Check Facebook if you’re looking for other solopreneurs or small business owners. 

Need to promote your business locally? Then maybe finding Facebook Groups for your local area is the answer. Can’t get all of your ideas down in 144 characters? Then stop worrying about Twitter.

Second, keep in mind to be sociable. Show your followers that you are much more than your business. 

Yes, talk about your business as that is what you are passionate about and a big part of your life, but also mention your other interests. 

Travel, favourite pastimes, favourite sports teams, and preferred films or television programmes. 

Don’t just be the business you; let folks get to know the full you.

Social media can be a huge success for you. The key is to make sure your strategy aligns with the consumer’s desires and expectations.

Need More Advice? Watch My FREE Workshop Here!

The training is on “5 Steps to Build an Engaged Audience on Social Media” because so many solopreneurs are struggling with the whole thing. 

One of the five processes we’ll discuss is reevaluating your social media strategy and figuring out what works for you, but there are other gears that must engage in order for the social media engine to function well for you. 

Considering that there are just a few spaces left, sign up right away! The registration link is here: FREE SOCIAL MEDIA WORKSHOP

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